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Weak Signal VHF by Tim Marek - K7XC

My VHF Contest Results

Call Used- K7XC/R, ARRL Division- PACIFIC,
Grid Squares- DM04, DM14, DM15, DM05, CM95, DM06, CM96, CM97, CM87, CM88, CM98, CM99, CM89, CN80, CN90, DM09.
Rover, OPs = Tim - K7XC & Tim - NS9E ____________________________________________________
--Valid QSOs-QSO Points-Multipliers
  50 MHz 136 |x1| 136 18
 144 MHz 211 |x1| 211 22
 222 MHz  96 |x2| 192 13
 432 MHz 149 |x2| 298 19
1296 Mhz  23 |x4|  92  8
Total- 615 Qs, 929 Points, 80 Mults + 16 Grids Activated
Claimed Final Score - 89,184
COMMENTS: This was Tim - NS9E's third trip in the right seat. We logged realtime on a laptop for the third time as a Rover with it allmost becoming second mature now. I wonder how I ever did it on paper all those years! We bagane the contest outside Edwards AFB at the DM04/05/14/15 grid corner. From there we went over the Tehatchepi Mtns to Hwy 5. North to Kettleman City where we turned and raced up the hill to CM95. Here is where we ran itno fellow Rovers, N6TEB, N6DN, and KG6GMT. Going down the hill to DM05 we all worked again and then up Hwy 5 a tad to DM06 we did it again. Accross the center median and back to K City we had a brief dinner at In N Out Burger with the N6TEB/R crew, Great guys!. Gassed up we headed north the hills above Avenal CA that N6TEB/R told us about. Thanks Guys! We didnt see a thing in the dense fog but boy were the signals impressive! Down the hill and into CM97 we stopped at the Motel 6 in Sanata Nella. Up early the next morning we raced to be atop Mt Diablo in CM97 first thing in the morning. We were the first people thru the gate Sunday and once up top, man what a view! Fog everwhere as far as the eye could see below us with the mountains poking out here and there, very pretty! I set up our drive on mount and small yagis for 2 and 432. I forgot the boom to mast clamps for these antennas so we "Duct Tapped" them to the mast. Fortunately I was using heavy wall aluminum military masts that break down for the mast which allowed them to be carried as such in the bed of the truck between stops. Looked goofy as hell but they played just fine. Off the hill we got lost and went out the North gate. Never ever use the north gate! Takes forever to get back to the Hwy 680 North freeway. Over the straights to Benicia and CM88, thru Vallejo, Fairfield, and at Vacaville CM98 we turn North on the Hwy 505 cutoff to Hwy 5. At the College City exit we work our way eat to the Frmers field in CM99. Its a good thing we didnt have to go much further as the road was closed due to flooding 100 yards beyond our stop. Back on Hwy 5 North CM89 we raced to Red Bluff CN80 where we got gas and food as this was our last opportunity till we get back to Reno. Now on Hwy 36 East we break into CN90. Not stopping we continue thru Susanville CA. Now on Hwy 395 South we cross the border back into NV DM09. Stopping briefly on the high spot before dropping in the Reno Valley we start to find some locals on FM. Begging them to turn on all their rigs and work us, we manage to make contacts on 146, 223, and 446 Mhz for 3 brand new multipliers. Moving onward with 10 mins left I work my to the quickest highspot in the clear which is the back parking lot of TMCC community College. Here we work a few folks on 2 SSB in CM98 when time runs out.

 50 - 706IIG 100W, KB6KQ Loop
144 - 706IIG 170W Pair new KQ loops or 4 ele Yagi
222 - 706IIG DEMI xvtr 140W KQ Loop
432 - 706IIG 110W M2 Eggbeater or 7 ele Yagi
1296- 290A DEMI xvtr 3W Vert mag mount stuck on side of truck

Everything worked well except the 1296 xvtr which went deaf after working ND6N/R and N6TEB/R parked nearby. My guess is the first rcv preamp was overloaded by the proximity of the other rover and died. Luckily Tim - NS9E brought his DEMI xvtr and once we figured out what was wroung it took only a few minutes to switch. Look for us to repeat this route in Sept of 2003. it worked so well we plan to not change a thing!
"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

1/25/2003 - Timothy C. Marek - K7XC - DM09

          2002 ARRL June VHF QSO PARTY
CALL USED- K7XC  GRID - DM27  ARRL Division- Pacific Category - Multi-Limited Operators- Tim - K7XC & Dave  W7KK

-----------Valid QSOs-----QSO Points-Multipliers 
 50 MHz 035 |x1| 035 23
144 MHz 007 |x1| 007 05
222 MHz 001 |x2| 002 01
432 MHz 007 |x2| 014 03
Totals, 50 Qs, 58 Pts, 32 Gds = 1856 Final Score
For the complete story of what happened in DM27 go to https://k7xc.tripod.com/june2002/index.html

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date - 06/25/02 Signature - Tim Marek Call - K7XC

2001 ARRL September VHF QSO PARTY
CALL USED- K7XC/Rover ARRL Division- Pacific
Rover, Tim - K7XC & Tim - NS9E Operators
GRIDS - CN90,CN80, CM89, CM99, CM98, CM88, CM87, & CM97.

-----------Valid QSOs-----QSO Points-Multipliers
_50 MHz 057 |x1| 057 08
144 MHz 103 |x1| 103 13
222 MHz 043 |x2| 086 06
432 MHz 074 |x2| 148 09
Grids Activated = 8 Claimed Score = 17336
Totals, 277 Qs, 394 Points, 44 Grids + 8 Bonus
We had a excellent start at "Bump Ass Hell" in the upper paking lot of Mt. Lassen working plenty of stations. Many people passing by stopped & inquired about our very "Different" vehicle. We tried to explain about VHF Amateur Radio only to receive puzzled looks. While idling near the CM89/99/88/98 grid corner the truck died & refused to start. With the aid of Norm - KC6ZWT we arranged to be towed to the nearest garage in Williams CA. After a fitfull nights sleep in a small motel room we were met at Denny's by the Mechanic with a estimate to replace the defective "In The Tank" Gas Pump. He worked throughout the day while we watched the opening day of the NFL in his office. Around 4:30 PM with less than 4 hours remaining(and my wallet $515 lighter) We resumed our Rover effort. Many people remarked it was good to hear us active again. As we continued South it became evident that KH6HME was being worked. With that in mind we turned West heading to the hills above Benicia in CM88 with hopes we could put Hawaii in our log. As we were about to crest the hill someone asked the Hawaiian to QSY to 432 Mhz and we never heard of him again. Around that time we heard folks begin to work Clint - W1LP/MM in the all water grid of CM85. With our yagis pointed the wrong way as we climbed the Altamont Pass towards the central valley, I struggled to work him on 144 Mhz with our "KQ" loop. Unable to get through before cresting the pass I begin hearing W2ODH in DM04. We need them on 432 so I QSY during the last few minutes while finding a spot to point the antennas south. With 90 seconds left I finally am turned the right direction and begin calling. In the final seconds they respond, we exchange grids, and it's over. Not my best ROVER effort but the best we have ever done north of Sacramento. The Hospitality of the folks in Williams CA was excellent, Thank you! Look for us again this coming January.

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date - 09/13/01 Signature - Tim Marek Call - K7XC

Call Used- W7KK, ARRL Section- NV, Grid Square- DM18
Limited Multioperator, Tim- K7XC, Dave- W7KK, & Tim- NS9E
----Valid QSOs-QSO Points-Multipliers
_50 MHz 348 |x1| 348 138
144 MHz 058 |x1| 058 035
222 MHz 008 |x2| 016 008
432 MHz 003 |x3| 006 003
Total- 417 Qs, 428 Points, 184 Mults, Claimed Final Score = 78,752

COMMENTS: Ma Nature & Murphy were guest OP's this year as the UHF station was broken all weekend, it was 90+ when we started and 20 degrees cooler with gale force winds by contest end, we camped in a nest of Chiggers and by Monday each of us had over a hundred itchy red bites to deal with. Tim - NS9E joined the team this year which aided greatly with station assembly, operation, and removal.

_50 - IC-746, KW amp, 6 ele yagi at 30'
144 - FT-847, KW amp, 2 x 18XXX yagi's at 40' / 50'
222 - IC-730 IF, Xvtr, 140W Brick, 7wl yagi at 18'
432 - IC-706mkIIG, 2 x 9wl yagis at 15' / 20'

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

6/24/2001 Timothy C. Marek - K7XC

Call Used- K7XC/R, ARRL Division- PACIFIC,
Grid Squares- DM09, DN00, CN90, CN80, CM89, CM99, CM98, CM88, CM87, CM97, CM86, CM96, DM06, DM05, CM95.
Rover, OPs = Tim - K7XC & Tim - NS9E ____________________________________________________
--Valid QSOs-QSO Points-Multipliers
_50 MHz 061 |x1| 061 13
144 MHz 207 |x1| 207 18
222 MHz 057 |x2| 114 10
432 MHz 131 |x2| 262 17
Total- 456 Qs, 644 Points, 58 Mults + 15 Grids Activated
Claimed Final Score - 47,012
COMMENTS: Tim - NS9E joined me for this trip, We logged realtime on a laptop for the first time as a Rover. What a differance! Poor Tim had to chase it around the entire trip which proved comical at times, especially when we climbed the twisty road to Mt Diablo in CM97. 25% of our Qs came from that stop. Stopped in Los gatos to pickup a Hygain Hy-Quad I purcased off the net, a quick dash to CM86 - Santa Cruz and then a agonizingly slow, gruelling, frustrating trip over the mtns back to Hwy 5 and Rover heaven, the San Juaquin Valley. We raced south to Kettleman City and the CM96/95 - DM06/05 grid corner. With 2 1/2 hours left we setup shop atop the hills in CM95, then part way down in DM05, and finishing in DM06 with no time to head North to DM07 as planned.

6 - 706mkIIG, 100W, 2M 5/8 vert ant
2 - 706mkIIG, 170W, single old style KQ loop
222 - 13-509, 10W FM, 5/8 mag mount
432 - TR851A, 110W, M2 Eggbeater

Thats it! No time to install yagis, coax switches, etc.... mkIIG showed up in the mail on weds before the trip. Tim - NS9E could not commit to the trip till the day before due to work constraints. I cant thank him enough for his effort! A true VHFer!

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

1/29/2001 Timothy C. Marek - K7XC - DM09

Call Used- K7XC, ARRL Section- NV, Grid Square- DN10he
Limited Multioperator, Tim- K7XC & Dave- W7KK
----Valid QSOs-QSO Points-Multipliers
__50 MHz 381 |x1| 381 178
_144 MHz 053 |x1| 053 026
_432 MHz 014 |x2| 028 009
1296 MHz 001 |x3| 003 001
Total- 449 Qs, 465 Points, 214 Mults Claimed Final Score - 99,510

COMMENTS: Finally... After 4 years of trying, The snow pack, Weather, & job schedules finally meshed, allowing us to Operate from atop 8500' Mt Moses. Six was increadible, reminiscent of the June 1996 contest. Worth the wait! W7KK is handling the QSL duties for this event.

___6 - FT625RD, KW amp, 5 ele yagi at 50'
___2 - FT-847, KW amp, 13 ele DJ9BV yagi at 25'
_432 - FT-847, 110W Brick, 25 ele K1FO yagi at 20'
1296 - TS-790, 10W, 45 ele Loop Yagi at 10'

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

7/7/2000 Timothy C. Marek - K7XC

Call Used- W7KK, Grid Square- DM17, ARRL Section- Nevada
Limited Multioperator, Dave- W7KK, Tim- K7XC, & Jerry- N6IFW

-----------Valid QSOs-----QSO Points-Multipliers
50 MHz |x1|
144 MHz |x1|
222 MHz |x2|
432 MHz |x2|
Totals= 297 QSOs, 146 Grids, Claimed Final Score= 47158
"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 07/04/99, Signature- David Eubanks, Call- W7KK

Grids Activated - CN85 CN75 CN84 CN74 CN73 CN83 CN82 CN92 CN91 CN81 CN90 CN80 CM89 CM99 CM88 CM98 CM97 CM96 DM06 CM95 DM05 (For A Total Of 21)
ROVER, CALL USED- K7XC/R, ARRL Division- Pacific
---Valid QSOs--QSO Points-Multipliers
_50 MHz 096 |x1| 096 23
144 MHz 232 |x1| 232 39
222 MHz 060 |x2| 120 15
432 MHz 128 |x2| 256 31
Grids Activated- (Rovers Only) 21
Total- 518 QSOs, 704 Points, 129 Mults, Claimed Final Score = 90816

Comments: I dedicate this contest to the memory of Jennifer Nugent N7TUA who passed away shortly after I returned from the contest. She was to be with me on this trip but fell ill and was hospitalized. She died on the 28th of Sept after her heart failed. She was 33. I will miss Her... Tim Marek - K7XC/R

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 10/12/98 Signature- Timothy C. Marek Call- K7XC/R

GRID's Activated- DM18 DM08 DM07 DM17 DM19 DM09 CM99 CN90 CN80 CM89 CM88 CM98 CM87 CM97 CM96 DM06 DM05 CM95
CALL USED- K7XC/R, ARRL Division- Pacific
ROVER, Tim- K7XC Was Sole Operator Of K7XC/R
--Valid QSOs-----QSO Points-Multipliers
_50 MHz 123 |x1| 123 33
144 MHz 214 |x1| 214 29
222 MHz 025 |x2| 050 07
432 MHz 108 |x2| 216 22
Grids Activated - Rovers Only = 18
Totals- 471 QSOs, 603 Points, 109 Mults = Final Claimed Score 65,727

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Comments: Wind, Rain, Snow, Mud, Broke Ham4 rotor in 1/2, Abandon DM18 Multi Op to Become Rover, Stuck in Mud, Wet, Soaked to the bone. Begin Impromtu Rover trip 1 1/2 hour late. Drop off tower trailer, 5KW generator and other gear at home, Post to VHF reflector. Arrive Susanville CN90 midnight dead tired, Grab motel room. Over sleep Sunday, drive to top of Mt Lassen for increadible views & Qs, Arrive Kettleman City grid corner (CM 96 95 DM 06 05) with 1 hour left, finish atop hill in CM95. Mud from DM18 fell off 1/2 of Right front tire rim, way out of balance as we enter Kettlman City. After Breakfast put on spare, Visit Mike K6MYC at M2 on way home, leave lights on for several hours while at lunch frying battery. Near Modesto the alternator dies leaving battery power only. 3 cells were completely dry, 45 minutes later it's fairly charged & were off again. Purchase new battery in Stockton which barely gets me back to Reno. Rather than wait to recharge I strap the 650W Generator to the rear bumper, run a extension cord over the roof to a battery charger hanging from the passenger side wing window where its cable goes out to the battery under the hood... Looked goofy as hell but it got me home. Many Thanks to Jennifer N7TUA/R who followed me for 1700 miles after our Multi Op plans fell through. Without her help, My Rover effort would have been greatly reduced.

Date- 7/03/98' Signature- Tim Marek Call- K7XC/R

GRIDS Activated- DM04 DM14 DM15 DM05 CM95 DM06 CM96 CM97 CM87 CM88 CM98 CM99 CM89 CN80 CN90 CN81 CN91 CN92 CN82 CN93 (For A Total of 21)
ROVER- K7XC/R OP's= Tim- K7XC & Ward- WB7VVD

--Valid QSOs-----QSO Points-Multipliers
___50 MHz 118 |x1| 118 25
__144 MHz 338 |x1| 338 30
__222 MHz 067 |x2| 134 13
__432 MHz 125 |x2| 250 19
_1296 MHz 026 |x4| 104 06
10368 MHz 000 |x8| 000 00
Grids Activated - Rovers Only = 21

Totals= 674 QSOs, 944 Points, 114 Mults, Final Claimed Score= 107,616
HOURS OPERATING= All, Club participation- N. CA Contest Club
Comments: No 10Ghz Qs, but it wasn't for a lack of trying! We Drove Almost 2900 Miles from Thurs Nite to Weds afternoon, Thats alot even by my standards! N0LRJ's record of 20 Grids activated during a contest fell when we reached CN94 with 20 minutes left, Sorry Randy! Activity from the Sac/SF Bay area was 10 times that of the LA Basin. Ward had so much fun we have already began planning a 24 grid route
for September 1998!

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 2/16/98 Signature- Timothy C. Marek Call- K7XC/R

GRID's Activated- DM03, DM13, DM04, DM05, CM95, DM06, CM96, CM97, CM87, CM88, CM98, CM99, CM89, CN80, CN90, CN81, CN82, AND, CN83.
ROVER, Tim- K7XC was the sole operator

--Valid QSOs-----QSO Points-Multipliers+
__50 MHz 113 |x1| 113 20
_144 MHz 277 |x1| 277 27
_222 MHz 042 |x2| 084 12
_432 MHz 117 |x2| 234 18
1296 MHz 019 |x3| 057 06
Totals= 568 QSOs, 765 Points, X 83 Grids + 18 Bonus= Final Claimed Score 84,150

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Station: 1985 Ford F150 4X4
50 Mhz - DX70T, 140W Brick, KB6KQ Loop.
144 Mhz - 2 x KQ Loops or M2 2M9SSB, 170W Brick, TR9130.
222 Mhz - 2W HT into 1/2 Wave Vertical.
432 Mhz - 2 x KQ Loops or M2 440-18, 110W Brick, TR851.
1296 Mhz - 2W HT Into Mag Mount 2 Bay Colinear on Roof.

Comments: Next Time, I WILL break the 20 Grid Barrier! My Best ROVER effort Yet. Thanks to Pat N6RMJ for loaning me his 220 and 1296 HTs for the weekend. The new DX-70T Performed flawlessly! As a Single Op Rover it's Tough to Operate, Log, Drive, Navigate, and Not Hit things, Especially after darkness falls.

Date- Sep 15 97' Signature- Timothy C. Marek Call- K7XC/R

GRIDs ACTIVATED- DN10, DN11, DN00, DM09, CM99,CN90, CN80, CM89, CM98, CM88, CM87, CM97, CM96, CM95, DM06, DM05, & DM04.
ROVER, Tim - K7XC was the sole operator
--Valid QSOs-----QSO Points-Multipliers--
_50 MHz 106 |x1| 106 22
144 MHz 274 |x1| 274 31
432 MHz 152 |x2| 304 26
Grids Activated, Rover Bonus = 17
Totals= 532 QSOs, 684 Points, 96 Mults, Final Claimed Score = 65,664

COMMENTS: After our W7KK DN10 Multi Op was "Blown AWAY" by the WX, I reassembled the truck into A ROVER and began a 1600 mile Trek from Battle Mountain NV to LA CA, Traversing 17 grids in the process. At first, it was more as a form of therapy than a serious effort, but the Contester in me took over Sunday when I activated 12 grids in 13 hours. Not quite what had been planned but a decent showing for such a impromptu trip. 50 Mhz was absent the entire weekend which made the trip very simular to the Jan contest, except, the air conditioner was used instead of the heater.

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 07/02/97 Signature- Timothy C. Marek Call- K7XC/R

Limited Multioperator, Tim- NC7K (50 & 222 MHZ) & Dave- NR6E (144 & 432 MHZ)

--Valid QSOs----QSO Points-Multipliers
_50 MHz 456 |x1| 456 189
144 MHz 125 |x1| 125 055
222 MHz 012 |x2| 024 010
432 MHz 024 |x2| 048 016
Totals= 617 QSOs, 653 Points, 270 Mults, Final Claimed Score = 176,310

COMMENTS: Stinko conditions Saturday, Outrageous Conditions Sunday! Worked 15 grids from EN00 to EN50 during a 23 minute 144 Mhz Es opening. 50 Mhz was reminiscent of 28 Mhz during the 1989 Sweepstakes contest. Activity spread out all the way up to 50.325 Mhz! Our best effort ever! DN10 next year!

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 6/25/96 Signature- Tim Marek Call- NC7K

GRIDs Activated- CM98, CM88, CM87, CM97, CM96, DM06, CM95, DM05, DM04, DM14, DM15, DM16, AND, DM07.
ROVER, Tim - K7XC Was the sole operator
--Valid QSOs-----QSO Points----Grids-- + 13 GRIDS ACTIVATED
_50 MHz 064 |x1| 064 13
144 MHz 400 |x1| 400 24
432 MHz 133 |x2| 266 19
__LIGHT 002 |x8| 016 02
Totals = 599 QSOs, 748 Points, 58 Grids + 13 Bonus Final Claimed Score = 52,966
HOURS OPERATING= 24, Club participation: N. NV DX CONTEST CLUB

Comments: 1248 miles / 599 Qs = 2.083 miles per Q. Used only KB6KQ loops all bands with good results, 300-500 miles Qs were common. One of the biggest surprises: working WA6JIC (DM09) from CM88 on 432 Mhz using a single 4" diameter loop while mobile! Had I not diverged from the planned route and stayed on schedule, 1000 Qs and 17 grids should have been possible. Next Time!!!

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 1/26/96 Signature- TIMOTHY C. MAREK Call- NC7K/R

Multioperator, Dave- NR6E and Tim- NC7K
--Valid QSOs-----QSO Points-Multipliers+
__50 MHz 307 |x1| 307 134
_144 MHz 056 |x1| 056 032
_222 MHz 001 |x2| 002 001
_432 MHz 011 |x2| 022 010
1296 MHz 001 |x3| 003 001
Totals= 376 QSOs, 390 Points X 178 Mults = 69,420 Final Claimed Score

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

__50 Mhz - 7 ele KLM at 30', 800W, FT625RD
_144 Mhz - 2 x M2 18XXX at 40/50 Ft, 800W, TS970
_222 Mhz - M2 7Wl boomer at 25', 120W, MMT222/28, IC730 IF
_432 Mhz - 22 Ele K1FO at 45', 110W, Yaesu Allmode
1296 Mhz - 2 x 45 Ele Loop Yagis at 15', 12W, IC1271

Comments: Moving 150 Miles further East hurt our 144 Mhz and above score but noticably improved 50 Mhz. Very little Es Saturday but plentiful rocks. Sunday was a different story! Begining 13:26Z and running through 21:26Z the band treated us to a "Guided Tour" of single hop propagation, working almost every active grid within 1400 Miles. Only long haul contacts were K3MQH who popped in briefly on CW and HR6/W6JKV during a 5 Minute opening. Working W5UN and KB8RQ on 144 Mhz EME Moonrise Saturday Night was a treat! Thanks for being there guys! 50 Mhz went crazy the last 30 minutes with intense signals from WA/OR suggesting 144 Mhz was open somewhere but we never heard a thing. Kudos to the few folks we found operating ROVER. Next year "MORE POWER!"

Date- July 4, 1995, Signature- Tim Marek, Call- NC7K

Single operator multiband, Tim - K7XC ___________________________________________________________
Valid QSOs QSO Points Multipliers
_50 MHz (1 pt ea) 09 09 06
144 MHz (1 pt ea) 43 43 20
432 MHz (2 pt ea) 04 08 02
Total, 56 QSOs, 60 Points, 28 Mults, Final Claimed Score= 1,680

COMMENTS - After 4 seasons of Contesting with no major equipment failures, Murphy in his infinite wisdom came to visit. The 432 Xmtr broke on the way up the hill, The 144 Mhz 4CX250B HV supply arced over, The winds kept getting worse, and the "LID LEVEL" on 144.200 reached boiling point so I packed up early in favor of catching the 49ers/Chiefs Sunday. Even with all the headaches I had Fun. I WILL BE BACK!

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur radio in my country. My report correct and true to the best of knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 10/10/94, Signature- Timothy C. Marek, Call- NC7K

Call- NC7K, Grid- DM09m Category: Single Op

50 104 104 67
144 109 109 39
432 52 104 24
Totals 265 317 130 = 41,210

Station Description: FT-620B, N4LTA 100W amp, 4 ele Yagi up 15' TS-770, Mirage 80W amp, 22' 13 ele 2M yagi up 20',
TS-770, RFC 100W amp, 12' 16 ele 432 yagi up 15'

Comments: Moving the contest forward one week sure killed the Es! I sincerly hope the scores are listed by Section again! Working XE and KL7 was a treat! It's amazing what 100W into good antennas from a Great location can do!! Many thanks to Larry, W7AAA for the continued use of 8100'Pond Peak near Reno NV.

Club Affiliation: N. NV. DX CONTEST CLUB

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

CALL USED- NC7K, ARRL section- NEVADA, Grid square- DM09
Single operator multiband- 6, 2, 432, Tim - K7XC

COMMENTS: The best grid/state total on 2M in a contest to date. Tropo condx were outstanding! Worked many new grids and a new state on 432 Mhz. 6 was completely flat, Even the meteors Sunday AM were extremely short in duration. Still way too much BSing occuring on 144.200. Thanks to rovers, AA7NH, AA6ZF/7, WB9AJZ, and others. Without their help, it would have been a very dissapointing contest. 73's.
Valid QSOs QSO Points Grids
_50 MHz (1 pt ea) 11 11 08
144 MHz (1 pt ea) 75 75 29
432 MHz (2 pt ea) 17 34 12
Total, 103 QSOs, 120 Points, 49 Mults, Final Claimed Score= 5,880

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 10/07/92, Tim Marek, Call- NC7K

CALL USED- NC7K, ARRL section- NEVADA, Grid square- DM09
[X] Single operator multiband - 6, 2, 432 [ ] Novice single operator [ ] Single operator single band [ ] QRP Portable [ ] Rover [ ] Limited Multioperator
[ ] Multioperator.

INCREDIBLE! 6 WIDE OPEN both days, good tropo 2 and 432, plenty of activity, and...SNOW! Yes...SNOW!! I was forced to evacuate the site early Sunday AM when visibility dropped to less than 25 FT. Accumulations of 6" to 12" were common during my descent. Average tempetures were warmer back during my rover operation in January! Awoke to a 1" Ice load on the antennas causing the Dacron rope guys to stretch. The mast was leaning 30 degrees or more! Due to severe icing on the driven element, the RF Concepts amp refused to transmit. Packing up took 2 hours during a blinding ice storm. Fortunately, I was prepared with
long johns, insulated gloves, and a Air Force parka. It was one of the most memorable weekends of my life. Would I do it again...? YES!, In A Heartbeat!

Valid QSOs QSO Points Multipliers
_50 MHz (1 pt ea) 50 50 39
144 MHz (1 pt ea) 90 90 25
432 MHz (2 pt ea) 32 64 15 ===========================================================
Total= 172 QSOs, 204 Points, 79 Grids = Final Claimed Score 16,116

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 06/19/92, Tim Marek, Call- NC7K


Callsign Used: NC7K Entry Classification: ROVER
QSO's 63, POINTS 67, Grids Worked 32, Final Score 2,144
Grid squares operated from: DM09, DM19, DM18, DM17, DM07, DM08.
Operators were Tim, NC7K and my brother Scott.

Equipment used: Kenwood TS-770 144/430 Mhz dual band all mode XCVR, with a IC-211 for backup. Microwave Modules 100W 2M brick with built in RCV pre-amp. Honda EX-650 Generator that never hickuped once. Azden PCS-4000 FM mobile while in motion.

Antennas used- Homebrew 12 ele 2M yagi based on NBS data published in ARRL handbook, almost 13 DB gain. 10 ele cushcraft yagi for 432. 1/4 mag mount vertical for 2M FM operation.

Club Entry- Northern California Contest Club

Comments- What a trip! 742.3 miles to activate 6 grids in N. central Nevada. The scenery was spectacular, climaxing when the largest meteor I've ever seen came down within 10 miles of our location in DM19. It lit up the nite sky like the sun for 6 seconds! Started off on a sand dune near Fallon, NV, then on to Carrol Summit in DM19, Dinner in Austin, NV. After a brief sleep in Tonopah, NV we put DM18 on the air from a snow covered ridge in 16 degree tempatures at sunrise. Next stop around 11 AM was DM17 atop a small knoll 3 miles N. of Goldfield, NV. Incredible views! Our next stop was a road side operation from the very NE corner of DM07/6. Used the mast wedged into a hwy reflector post trick we discovered while in DM19. Luning, NV in DM08 was our next site. The most mults worked from any one location came here. A breif stop in Yerington, NV to work KB6CO from DM08 on 2 bands, then on to our last stop, Slide Mtn in DM09. we operated from alongside the road on a scenic overlook turnout with the antennas on a 8 ft mast stuck in a 4 ft deep snowbank. we arrived there with onlt 38 minutes left, and what a half hour that was! 2 was W I D E open up and down the coast with 20 over 9 signals.

I would like to acknowlege the efforts of my brother Scott, without his help, this trip would have not been a reality. Look for a simular efort from us in September. Maybe we'll start off from the extreme South and work our way North along the NV/UT border. Till then, 73's from Cental Nevada.

I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee.

Date- 01/25/92, Signature- Timothy C. Marek, Call- NC7K

CALL USED- NC7K ARRL section- NEVADA Grid square- DM09
[ ] Single operator multiband [ ] Novice single operator
[X] Single operator single band - 144 MHz [ ] QRP Portable
[ ] Rover [ ] Limited Multioperator [ ] Multioperator

I used a IC-211, 100W brick, Homebrew keyer, and homebrew 12 ele, 2.2 wavelngth yagi based on NBS data published in the ANTENNA BOOK. Thanks to MARCO-AA6ZF who gave me 4 rare grids in Idaho and Eastern Nevada while operating rover.
Valid QSOs QSO Points Multipliers
144 MHz (1 pt ea) 99 99 24
Total- 99 QSOs, 99 Points, 24 Mults, Final Claimed Score= 2,376

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

Date- 09/19/91 Tim Marek, Call- NC7K

Call Used- NC7K/R, ARRL Section- NV, Grid Squares- DM09, CM99, CM98
Rover, Tim - K7XC
----Valid QSOs-QSO Points-Multipliers
144 MHz, 027 |x1| 027 016, HOURS OPERATING= ALL
Total- 27 Qs, 27 Points, 16 Mults Claimed Final Score = 432

STATION- IC-211, Straight Key, Hand Mic, 5/8 Vert

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee."

1/29/1991, Timothy C. Marek, NC7K

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